Scroll down for links to amillennial resources and eschatological charts
Audio Resources (MP3)
“The Future” What Does the Future Course of History Hold for God’s People?
A Prophecy Conference By Podcast
Episode One: "How the Past Shapes the Future"
Episode Two: "This Age and the Age to Come: The Implausibility of Premillennialism"
Episode Three: "The Returning King and His Kingdom"
Episode Four: "Jesus Christ the Sum and Substance of Biblical Prophecy"
Episode Five: "The Signs of the End"
What Does the Future Hold for Israel? A Look at Romans 9-11
Eschatology by Ethos: Why Optimism and Pessimism Do Not Work As Eschatological Categories
Season Two of the Blessed Hope Podcast on Paul’s Thessalonian Letters (2023)
This season of my Blessed Hope Podcast is a verse by verse study of First and Second Thessalonians. Lots of eschatological issues are covered in significant detail—a sort of updated “Case for Amillennialism!”
The Blessed Hope Podcast on Paul's Thessalonian Letters
The Eschatology of the Reformers (2018)
The Eschatology of the Reformers - Part 1 (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 11/16/2018
The Eschatology of the Reformers - Part 2 (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 11/30/2018
The Future — “What Remains to be Fulfilled in Biblical Prophecy?” (2019-20)
"The Future - What Remains to be Fulfilled in Biblical Prophecy - Part 1" — Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, September 18, 2019
"The Future - What Remains to be Fulfilled in Biblical Prophecy - Part 2" — Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, September 25, 2019
"The Future - What Remains to be Fulfilled in Biblical Prophecy - Part 3 - The Two Age Model" — Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, October 2, 2019
"The Future - The Central Future Expectation in the N.T. is the Bodily Return of Jesus Christ" — Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, October 9, 2019
"The Future - The Relationship Between Covenant and Eschatology" — Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, October 16, 2019
"The Future - The Relationship Between Covenant and Eschatology - Continued" — Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, October 23, 2019
"The Future - What Remains to be Fulfilled in Biblical Prophecy? Replacement Theology" — Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, November 6, 2019
"The Future - What Remains to be Fulfilled in Biblical Prophecy? The Anti-Christ" — Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, November 13, 2019
"The Future - What Remains to be Fulfilled in Biblical Prophecy? The Anti-Christ" — Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, November 20, 2019
"The Future - What Remains to be Fulfilled in Biblical Prophecy? The Anti-Christ" — Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, December 4, 2019
"The Future - The Signs of the End Which Foretell the Return of Christ" — Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, December 11, 2019
"The Future - Signs that Herald the Return of Christ” — Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, January 15, 2020
"The Future - What the Future Might Hold” — Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, January 22, 2020
Amillennialism 101 (2008-10)
"What is Amillennialism?" (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 02/15/08
"Interpreting Bible Prophecy" Part One (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 02/22/08
"Interpreting Bible Prophecy" Part Two" (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 02/29/08
"Covenant Theology and Eschatology" (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 03/07/08
"These Things Were Foretold" Part I (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 03/14/08
"These Things Were Foretold" Part II (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 10/03/08
"The Basic Elements of New Testament Eschatology" (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 10/10/08
"Christ, the True Israel" (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 10/17/08
"Christ, the True Temple" (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church)10/24/08
"The Two-Age Model" Part I (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 11/07/08
"The Two-Age Model" Part II (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 11/21/08
"The Two-Age Model and New Testament Parallels" (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 12/05/08
"The Kingdom of God" Part I (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 09/25/09
"The Kingdom of God" Part II (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 10/02/09
"The Age of the Holy Spirit" (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 10/09/09
"The Church as the Israel of God - Replacement Theology?" (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 10/23/09
"The Suffering Church" (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 02/05/2010
"The Signs of the End - Part I" (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 02/19/2010
"The Signs of the End - Part II" (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 02/26/2010
"The Blessed Hope - Part I" (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 03/05/2010
"The Blessed Hope - Part II" (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 03/12/2010
"The Rapture" (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 03/19/2010
The Prophecy of Daniel's Seventy Weeks (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 10/08/2010
The Olivet Discourse, Part I (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 10/15/2010
The Olivet Discourse, Part II (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 10/22/2010
Romans 9-11 (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 11/05/2010
Revelation 20:1-10, Part I (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 11/12/2010
Revelation 20:1-10, Part II (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 11/19/2010
Eschatology and the Antichrist (2007)
The Biblical Doctrine of Antichrist (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 09/28/2007
The Man of Lawlessness: Nero? The Pope? Someone Yet to Come? (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 10/05/2007
The Dragon, the Beast and the False Prophet (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) 10/12/2007
A Problem for Preterists (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Academy at Christ Reformed Church) Academy 10/19/2007
The Seventy Weeks of Daniel (2016)
Sermon # 1: Daniel 9:1-19 "To the Lord Our God Belong Mercy and Forgiveness" (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger—Christ Reformed Church, 06/12/16)
Sermon # 2: Daniel 9:20-27 "Seventy Weeks" (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Christ Reformed Church, 06/26/16)
Sermon # 3: Daniel 9:24-27 "A Strong Covenant" (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger — Christ Reformed Church, 07/03/16)
Amillennial Essays and Articles at the Riddleblog
The Solar Eclipse of April 2024—Yet Another Prediction
1 Thessalonians 1:10, Dispensationalism, and the Wrath of God: Is Paul referring to temporal wrath during the seven-year tribulation, or eternal wrath and the final judgment?
666 and the Mark of the Beast: Why Antichrist is a present threat (not just future) to Christ’s church
A Rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem? A look at Ezekiel 40-48: The theological problems generated by calls to rebuild the Jerusalem Temple
A Reply to John MacArthur: A reply to MacArthur’s straw man arguments against amillennialism from the 2007 Shepherd’s conference
Athanasius on the Seventy Weeks of Daniel: How did the famed church father understand the 70 weeks of Daniel?
The Binding of Satan in Revelation 20:1-3, 7. When is Satan bound? What is he prevented from doing? Does this mean all evil ceases?
The Book of Revelation -- A Surprisingly Practical Book: The prophecy pundits turn a book intended to comfort God’s people into a book of weird esoterica
The Church Fathers, Origen, and Augustine on Antichrist The church fathers wrestled with this doctrine just as we do today
Eschatology by Ethos: Why “optimistic” and “pessimistic” characterizations don’t work in describing a biblical eschatology.
Eusebius (the Church Historian) and the Image of the Beast: How the priests of Zeus in 4th Century Antioch used the image of the beast to deceive the masses.
Evil in the Millennial Age? An Exposition of Zechariah 14: Can Zechariah 14 be used to prove that evil will exist in a future millennial age? No.
Evil in the Millennial Age? A Huge Problem for Premillennarians: Premillennarians ignore one of the most significant weaknesses of their position—evil on the earth after Christ returns
Geerhardus Vos on "Eschatological Patience" (quote) Vos reminds us that we might have to wait for a prophecy to be fulfilled, before we fully understand it
The Great Tribulation and the Great Commission What Do Disciples, Witnesses, and Martyrs have in common?
Hitler as an Antichrist Figure: Hitler hated Christ, his church, and his people, He is an Antichrist figure.
Isaiah 65:17-25: A Millennial Reign on the Earth? Or a New Heavens and Earth (the Eternal State)? How dispensationalists, premillennarians, and postmillennarians misread the passage.
The Olivet Discourse (Mark 13:24-37): Jesus Continues His Farewell Address to His Disciples
Louis Berkhof on the Historical Development of the Church's Doctrine of the Antichrist
The Jews Back in Their Ancient Homeland? That Isn't Gonna Happen! Sometimes our best guys get it wrong!
Jesus Christ -- The Israel of God: Jesus is YHWH’s Servant, Obedient Son, and the True Israel.
Jesus Christ — The True Temple: How does Jesus fulfill the Old Testament temple typology?
Maranatha! Our Lord Come in Biblical Context A great exclamation of praise and hope—but ought to be used in its biblical context.
One People or Two? The Challenge to Dispensationalism Raised by Ephesians 2:11-22. Why dispensationalists cannot make sense of the church
Paul's Non-Millennarian Eschatology. Paul’s eschatology is grounded in two eschatological ages (“this age” and the “age to come”), not in a millennial age (“pre” or “post”).
Princeton and the Millennium: A Study of American Postmillennialism: Where do the terms “amillennial” and “postmillennial” originate? Were the Princetonians (Edwards, Charles Hodge, A. A. Hodge, and B. B. Warfield postmillennial? Yes, but . . .
A Review of Daniel Hummel's “Rise and Fall of Dipsensationalism” An important book situating the rise of dispensationalism in the context of American evangelicalism
Some Thoughts on the Dating of the Book of Revelation (Three Parts) When did John record his apocalyptic vision? Before AD 70? Or after AD 70?
Some Thoughts on Paul’s Doctrine of Christ’s Parousia
The Great Tribulation -- When and How Long? A seven year tribulation? The events of 70 AD? Or the entire inter-advental age?
The Seventy Weeks of Daniel: An in depth look at a wonderful messianic prophecy
B. B. Warfield on Antichrist: A close look at John’s epistles—is Antichrist a present or future foe?
Zephaniah's Amazing Promise: A Prophecy of Restoration: When Israel’s prophets foretold of Israel’s future restoration, what did they mean?
Links to Useful Eschatological Resources — Various articles and exposition of biblical texts
G. K. Beale on the Land Promise Made to Israel
Dean Davis, High King of Heaven --Outstanding!
Dean Davis: The Great End Time Debate -- Outstanding!
Dean Davis: Preterism: Exposition and Critique A clear and thoughtful critique
Dean Davis: Postmillennialism: An Exposition and Critique
Jeremy Sexton: A Biblical Critique of Postmillennialism
The Post Millennial Problem (1 Corinthians 15:20-28)
Keith Mathison -- "What is Dispensationalism?"
The Writings of Geerhardus Vos
The Coming and Its Precursor — An essay from Geerhardus Vos
The 70th Week Covenant (Meredith Kline)
Will There Be a Golden Age Before Christ Returns (Charles Lee Irons)
Thaddeus Maharaj/Theotivity: The Millennium in Revelation 20 (great graphics!)
The Holy Spirit and Eschatology (Richard Gaffin)
R. Scott Clark: Covenant Theology Is Not Replacement Theology
R. S. Clark: Three Things Dispensational Apologists Should Stop Saying
2 Thessalonians 1 Supports Amillennialism — Vern Poythress
Currents Within Amillennialism — Vern Poythress
Genre and Hermeneutics in Revelation 20:1-6 — Vern Poythress
Hermeneutical Factors in Determining the Beginning of the 70 Weeks of Daniel 9:25 — Vern Poythress
The People of God and the Land of Israel — An Open letter
Anthony Hoekema on Amillennialism — A Brief Survey
Why the Early Church Finally Rejected Premillennialism — Charles Hill
Eschatology Charts —
Because You Cannot Do Eschatology Without a Chart!
Christ’s Second Advent Is the final consummation (chart from Dr. David Van Drunen)