The Lion of Princeton (2015)

Warfield Resources at the Riddleblog:


Princeton and the Millennium: A Study of American Postmillennialism: A look at the postmillennialism of “Old Princeton” (including Warfield’s)

Thomas Reid and His "Common Sense" Philosophy: Warfield’s “Reformed evidentialism” is grounded in Scottish Common Sense Philosophy (SCSR)

On the Centennial of B. B. Warfield's Death: November 5 1851: A list of Warfield resources (see below) and some suggested volumes and essays


My "Review of Fred Zaspel's book, The Theology of B B. Warfield: Zaspel’s outstanding volume is must reading

Warfield's "Review" on Andrew Murray's Spirit of Christ: Warfield is not a fan of proto-Pentecostal Andrew Murray’s book

Warfield on the Celebration of Christmas (book review)

Warfields "Review" of Methodist Theologian John Miley's Systematic Theology: Miley’s Systematics is the Arminian/Methodist equivalent of Charles Hodge’s Systematic Theology—Warfield offers a critical view

Warfield's "Review" of Lewis Sperry Chafer's "He That Is Spiritual" (Part One) Chafer combines two conflicting systems in his discussion of the Christian life. The consequence is a real mess.

Warfield's "Review" of Lewis Sperry Chafer's "He That Is Spiritual" (Part Two)

Warfield's "Review” of Lewis Sperry Chafer's "He That Is Spiritual" (Part Three)

Warifled's "Review" of C. F. W. Walther's Law and Gospel: The Reformed like the law/gospel distinction

Theological Essays and Interaction

Warfield on the Evidential Value of the Empty Tomb

Warfield on Jesus’s Anger at the Death of Lazarus

Warfield on the Value of the Shorter Catechism

Warfield on Antichrist

Warfield on Calvinism

Warfield on Prayer

Warfield on the Formation of the New Testament Canon

Warfield on What Paul Knew of Jesus From the 1910 New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia, and the entry “Jesus Christ” written by BBW.

Warfield: "Christianity and Our Times" A look at Paul’s Christology in the Book of Romans

Warfield: On Christless Christianity

Warfield on The Conviction of the Holy Spirit

Warfield: On An Overlooked Aspect of Calvin’s Doctrine of God

Warfield on Charles Finney's Gospel: "A Mere System of Morals" Charles Finney was a thorough-going Pelagian.

Warfield on Imputation

Warfield on “Redeemer” and “Redemption” — With the loss of meaning of critical biblical and theologial words so too goes the gospel

Warfield: Scripture Not "Inspired" But "God-Breathed"

Warfield: On 2 Timothy 3:16

Warfield: The Christ That Paul Preached

Warfield on William James's comments on the difference between moralism and true religion: It seems no important theological observation escapes Warfield’s notice

Warfield on Paedobaptism: Baptism as Sign and Seal of the covenant of grace

Warfield on Children in the Hands of the Arminians: How do Arminians approach the theological instruction of children?

Gems from Warfield’s Essay “Christless Christianity": Why a Christianity not grounded in the Jesus of History is not Christianity.

Warfield on the Slight Difference Between Rationalism and Mysticism: It is a matter of temperment.

Warfield: On the Value of the Westminster Shorter Catechism

Warfield on Faith: A Corrective to Faith as Affectual: Warfield responds to those like Jonathan Edwards who see faith and love as the ground of justification.

Excerpts from Warfield's Essay, "The Christ that Paul Preached"

Warfield's Inaugural Address on Inspiration and Biblical Criticism

Warfield on the Inspiration of the Bible--Here We Find a Christ to Love

Warfield on the "Victorious Life"

Warfield Resources:

Articles About Warfield:

Amy Mantravadi -- Warfield in Dayton, Ohio

Jeff Stivason: Benjamin B. Warfield and the Preservation of Scripture

Fred Zaspel's Essays on Warfield

Primary Sources:

Log College Press: Lots of great BBW stuff here: Log College Press: Compiled Warfield Resources--Many Unpublished

Mongerism: Monergism's Warfield Resources

Various Warfield Essays and Resources: B. B.