As the Summer Winds Down . . .
The View from my Backdoor in the Eastern Sierras — But Vacation Is Over and Its Back to Retirement
I thought it time for a few updates . . .
The Fall Semester at WSC begins next week. I’ll be teaching Theology Proper the first half of the semester, as part of a course I’ll split with Dr. Van Drunen (who teaches the anthropology section).
N. T. Wright (AKA “I’m Always Right”) has released his new commentary on Galatians (Wright on Galatians). I’ll read it in detail when I can, but a quick once over reveals that Wright has embraced full curmudgeonhood—his tone is crabby and he’s just flat out dismissive of his critics. Wright ignores Horton’s volumes on justification as well as Charles Lee Iron’s decimating critique of Wright’s misuse of righteousness language—the Bishop glibly refers readers to his previous work on Paul. He smugly dismisses the work of Moo and others on Galatians as though, “if you want to read old perspective stuff, `go for it.’” He continues to make his case that he alone understands Paul properly, repeating his erroneous view of the table fellowship debate and “works of law” in Galatians 2. BTW, I embraced full curmudgeonhood long ago, so I know it when I see it.
Blessed Hope Podcast: There are two new book releases coming for any of you going through the Galatians Podcast with me: Doug Moo on the theology of Paul's letters and Richard Gaffin's Book on the Theology of Paul. These look very good. Check `em out.
History: I’m a big fan of Allen Guelzo’s work on Lincoln and the Civil War, so I was thrilled to see his biography of Robert E. Lee will be out in September.
Riddleblog Updates: I’ve added my exposition of Article Twelve of the Belgic Confession, "Created out of Nothing" to the Reformed confessions section. I’ve also added several new eschatology links. BTW—if you run across anything you think worth adding, send the link my way.
Opinions: Some of you have asked me about the debacle in Afghanistan. I’ve been sick to my stomach for a week watching this unnecessary and self-inflicted mess. The recent Dispatch editorial sums it up quite well, I think. The Dispatch: A Defeat of Choice
Speaking of controversies, RSC nails it on the masking controversy: Scott Clark: Paul, Philippi and the Mask Mandate
Useless Information: We have squirrels in our yard. The dog hears them chirping in the early a.m. begins barking and wakes us up. I send him out after them. This time he went to the wrong tree. But a squirrel was in a tree ten feet above me, chirping and wagging his tail in triumph. Little did he know I was holding a garden hose with a pressure nozzle. Got him! Full blast. He climbed to the top out of range, but that will learn him . . .