Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield (November 5, 1851 - February 16, 1921) — The Centennial of B. B. Warfield's Death
B. B. Warfield died of an apparent heart attack on February 16, 1921. I thought it might be a fitting tribute to talk about Warfield bibliography.
One hundred years after his death, Warfield's collected works are still readily available: The ten-volume “Oxford” set reprinted by Baker Books, or the five-volume set from P & R (several volumes are still in print, but e-book editions of the others are easy to find), and the two-volume set Warfield's Selected Shorter Writings, published by P & R in 2001, includes many important essays.
A huge (and free) collection of Warfield’s books, essays, and articles about Warfield can be found at Monergism's Warfield Resources
Below, you will find some recommendations.
In my humble opinion every Reformed Christian should read Warfield's The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible. There is nothing like it. It has generated no end of controversy — Warfield develops and defends the doctrine of inerrancy. This book is too important not to read. The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible.
I would also suggest Warfield's Plan of Salvation (The Plan of Salvation). There is also a Kindle version available.
Every seminarian should read Warfield’s short essay: On the Religious Life of Theological Students
Significant Warfield Essays: Note, many can be found at (see above)
"Antichrist," Selected Shorter Writings, Vol 1, (P & R).
“Apologetics,” in Studies in Theology, (Baker).
"Augustine's Doctrine of Knowledge and Authority," in Calvin and Augustine, (P & R).
“The Biblical Doctrine of Faith,” Biblical Doctrines, (Baker).
“Calvinism,” in Calvin and Augustine, (P & R).
“Calvin's Doctrine of the Knowledge of God,” in Calvin and Augustine, (P & R).
“Christless Christianity," Christology and Criticism, (Baker).
"Charles Darwin's Religious Life," Studies in Theology, (Baker).
"Darwin's Arguments and Christianity and Religion," Selected Shorter Writings, Vol 2, (P & R).
“Faith,” Biblical and Theological Studies, (P & R).
"How to Get Rid of Christianity," Selected Shorter Writings, Vol 1, (P & R).
“Introductory Note,” to Francis Beattie’s Apologetics, Selected Shorter Writings, Vol. 2 (P & R).
“On Faith in its Psychological Aspects,” Biblical and Theological Studies (P & R).
“On the Antiquity and Unity of the Human Race,” Biblical and Theological Studies (P & R).
"Predestination in the Reformed Confessions,” Studies in Theology (Baker).
“Review of Chafer, L. S. `He That is Spiritual’” Princeton Theological Review.
“Review of Herman Bavinck’s De Zekerheid des Geloofs,” Selected Shorter Writings, Vol. 2 (P & R).
"Review of John Miley's Systematic Theology," Selected Shorter Writings Vol 2, (P & R).
"The Emotional Life of Our Lord," Person and Work of Christ, (P & R).
“The Latest Phase of Historical Rationalism,” Christology and Criticism (Baker).
“The Millennium and the Apocalypse,” Biblical Doctrines (P & R).
“The Question of Miracles," Selected Shorter Writings, Vol. 2 (P & R).
“The Resurrection of Christ a Historical Fact,” in Selected Shorter Writings, Vol. 1, (P & R).
“The Risen Christ,” The Person and Work of Christ (P & R).
"The Spirit of God in the Old Testament," Biblical and Theological Studies (P & R).
"The Theology of Charles G. Finney," Studies in Perfectionism (P & R).
This list will get you started, but I have barely scratched the surface of Warfield's massive published works.
Warfield’s Grave in the Old Princeton Cemetery, Princeton, NJ.