Musings and Riddleblog Updates (7/16/2022)
Riddleblog Updates:
The mountains are calling — the annual Summer slowdown here at the Riddleblog is at hand. Our regular programming will resume in August. But there will be a few signs of life in the meantime
The second season of the Blessed Hope Podcast is in the works—a deep dive into the Thessalonian letters. Also, I’ll have a big announcement for those of you who make it through the first season of the Blessed Hope Podcast (the fourteen episodes on Galatians)
New Warfield and Biblical Studies Tabs have been added to the Riddleblog header
My lectures on “Apologetics in a Post-Christian Age” from the C-Ref Wednesday night Bible studies are now posted under sermons and lectures (Apologetics in a Post-Christian Age (scroll down)
Lots of discussion about Thomas Aquinas these days. Richard Muller was my PhD dissertation advisor, so you can probably guess what side of the debate I am on. Scott Clark makes a good point here: RSC: "Read Thomas for Yourself . . ."
Jonathan Landry Cruse on Preaching from Paul's First Sermons
Carl Trueman on Ways Christians Can Respond to the Strange New World
Yuval Levin reviews Noah Rothman’s new book, “The Rise of the New Puritans” (not the Puritans which we Reformed read, but the progressive woke moralizers who push a joyless intolerant ideology). Yuval Levine Reviews Noah Rothman's Rise of the New Puritans
One of the most heroic moments in all of World War Two was the Battle off Samar, when three American destroyers attacked a massive Japanese fleet threatening the American landings in the Philippines. What the captains and men of these ship did is flat out heroic. All three were sunk and settled in the deepest parts of the Pacific Ocean. Another of these ships has been found. Remains of hero ship found -- The Battle off Samar
A lot of you are taking Summer vacations (like me). But you may want to think twice if you are headed for the Grand Canyon. See the Grand Canyon and Be Sorry You Did
Mount Tom — Oh, the glories of the Eastern Sierras and US 395 await!