Posts tagged Horton on Spirituality without religion
June Musings (6/17/2024)

Riddleblog and Blessed Hope Podcast Updates:

  • The Riddleblog and the Blessed Hope Podcast are in modified suspended animation as we are celebrating family birthdays, seeing grand kids, doing some household projects, and getting ready for our annual trek to the Eastern Sierras (see my Instagram account if you are curious about any of this).

  • I’m also hard at work on 1 Corinthians as I get ready for the second half of season three of the Blessed Hope Podcast when we pick up with 1 Corinthians 7:1. There are some important and controversial issues to tackle in the second half of Paul’s first Corinthian letter! Stay tuned . . .

Thinking Out Loud:

My rant against both political parties and their fossilized unfit candidates continues . . . We are slouching toward the worst presidential election of my lifetime. We’ve got MAGA folk using messianic and redemptive language of Trump, yet oblivious to the blasphemy of it all. We’ve got Biden mumbling, fumbling, wandering off during the G-7 meetings, and freezing up like an old, old, man (which he is). Put not your trust in princes has always been biblical counsel. Any temptation to ignore that counsel is long gone.

A full 25% of Americans are now considered double haters and dislike (really dislike) both presidential candidates, the highest percentage ever.

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May Musings (5/24/2024)

Riddleblog and Blessed Hope Podcast Updates:

  • The Blessed Hope Podcast will take a short break now that I’ve completed the first eleven episodes of season three, which covers the first half of 1 Corinthians (1:1-6:20). Lord willing, we’ll pick up where we left off at 7:1.

  • As we head into Summer, the Riddlebargers will do some traveling which means that Riddleblog activity will be a bit intermittent.

Thinking Out Loud:

  • How long before Joe Biden drops out of the presidential race? Bill Maher said the President looks like a cadaver and walks like a toddler with a loaded diaper. After a recent short speech, the White House press secretary issued nine corrections. Hardly what you want from your party’s presidential candidate. It is not like he can fix any of this—Biden will not get any younger and as the quip goes, “father time is undefeated.” I know, Biden’s thinking he’ll show everyone his fitness to remain in office when (or if) he debates Trump. But, it is more than likely that Biden will have more moments of senility. My guess . . . he doesn’t survive the Democrat convention.

  • The Yankees are playing great baseball. But it is better to play great ball after the all-star break and go into the playoffs with momentum. The Yankees haven’t done that since 2009, their last world series victory.

  • A court has recently ruled that tacos and burritos are considered sandwiches. I know the courts are dealing with limits on specialty restaurants in malls, etc., where certain types of food are excluded. But a taco is not a sandwich! Neither is a hot dog!

To read the rest, see the link and video follow the link below:

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