Posts tagged Praying improperly
Calvin on Prayer -- Praying Improperly

In previous installments, we have seen how insightful is when it comes to the matter of prayer. His discussion provides a helpful guide to praying properly, fervently, and often. But what about those times when we pray angrily or with improper motives? What if we do what televangelist Joyce Meyer cautions us not to do—”pray a stupid prayer”?

Calvin addresses that matter in the next section

15. Hearkening to Perverted Prayer

What about those instances when our prayers are offered from anger or from a desire for revenge or retribution?

Here more than one question is raised: for Scripture relates that God has granted fulfillment of certain prayers, despite the fact that they have burst forth from a heart not at all peaceful or composed. For due cause, yet aroused by passionate wrath and vengeance, Jotham had vowed the inhabitants of Shechem to the destruction that later overtook them [Judg. 9:20]; God in allowing the curse seems to approve ill-controlled outbreaks. Such passion also seized Samson, when he said: “Strengthen me, O God, that I may take vengeance on the uncircumcised” (Judg. 16:28). For even though there was some righteous zeal mixed in, still a burning and hence vicious longing for vengeance was in control. God granted the petition. From this, it seems, we may infer that, although prayers are not framed to the rule of the Word, they obtain their effect.

Indeed, Calvin reminds us there are times when we are ill-informed about matters, and pray improperly, like calling down fire on our enemies.

I reply that a universal law is not abrogated by individual examples; further, that special impulses have sometimes been imparted to a few men, by which it came about that a different consideration applied to them than to the common folk. For we must note Christ’s answer when his disciples heedlessly desired him to emulate the example of Elijah, that they did not know with what sort of spirit they were endowed (Luke 9:55).

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