Posts tagged The Fourth Beast
“An Everlasting Kingdom” Daniel 7:15-28 (An Exposition of the Book of Daniel–Part Fourteen)

A Remarkable Vision of Four Great Empires—Metallic Statues and Fierce Beasts

In chapter 7 of the prophecy which bears his name, Daniel is given a vision which maps out the future course of the four great ancient Middle-Eastern empires with uncanny accuracy. Daniel’s vision dates from 550 BCE–the first year that Belshazzar was king of Babylon–but covers historical developments until the rise of the Roman empire four centuries later.

In this amazing vision, Daniel sees four fierce and frightening beasts which represent the same successive empires which Nebuchadnezzar had seen in the vision of the metallic statue which YHWH had given to him (and recounted in Daniel 2): the Babylonian empire, the Persian empire, the Greek empire (under Alexander the Great and his successors), and then finally the fourth and most powerful and frightening beast of all, the Roman empire.

The “Ancient of Days” and the “Son of Man”

What makes Daniel’s vision so much more than a mere lesson in ancient Near-Eastern history is that this vision is given five centuries before these events actually occur. In this vision, Daniel is also given a glimpse of the heavenly court in session. He sees one whom he describes as “the Ancient of Days” presiding, with one “like a Son of Man” being led into his presence, possessing a glory beyond all human comprehension with thousands and tens of thousand attendants. Daniel sees what so many of God’s people across the ages have desired to see–a glimpse of what heaven is like and what transpires in God’s presence.

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